designed for the way women work.

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Nominate Women Making A Difference

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Suzanne hang tag copy
Suzanne Estock, Park Ranger, featured on Womanswork hang tags.

Do you know a woman who is making a difference in the lives of others by helping to protect, improve or rebuild a community or place? Is her story one that will be inspirational to other women? Please send us her story and we will publish it on our website.  Our favorite inspirational stories will be printed on “Womanswork Profile” hang tags on our work and garden gloves.

The women we select to feature on our garden glove packaging will be women who are making a difference in the following ways:

-Women who are involved in helping others

-Women whose vocation or avocation is protecting, improving or rebuilding a community or geographical place

Please submit nominees via email to me at  You can nominate a friend, a mentor, someone you admire from afar, a relative or yourself.  Nothing will be published until we have permission from the nominee. Nominees must be 18 years of age or older and they must be women. Be sure to include your contact information, including phone number.

Thank you! You can nominate people in the comments section below also.


Dorian Winslow, Womanswork President

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One thought on “Nominate Women Making A Difference

  1. Sihle Gqadu says:

    My mom Has been running a Npo since 2012 for teen mothers. Helping them with baby clothes and toiletry when they go for maternity, with counseling and encouraging them to go back to school. Every time they face challenges they would come to our house and spend time with her some sleepover. We felt like her kids that she loves the teen moms and pregnant girls more than us. She was also busy with the kid’s nutritious program where she would invite the community kids every Saturday to have free cooking classes. We used to help her as this was what made her happy.
    When the covet started that’s when things turned around. She was not getting any support from the local sponsors any more in a way that she decided to buy a big land in Mpumalanga where she can have a home for her children, CZ all along with the projects and NPO she was busy with was in a flat where we use to live. Now she was excited that she has a big land. To build a home for her family and use the other part to build a nutrition cooking room for the poor children of the community and have one for women who are unemployed to have free classes where they do handy work to sustain themselves and their family.

    While she was busy building her house in the land builders didn’t do a good job in a way that her house roof was blown by the wind and she tried to fix it but still, the rain comes in. I watched her getting frustrated and not knowing what to do and how she can start her passion which is community projects as she wished. This has disarmed the woman I looked up to, strong and focused. That’s the reason I decided to come to you to help her fulfill her dreams of making a difference in the lives of young women and children. By helping her to fix her home and build the studios for children to cook and women to do handy work.

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